- 10 Cei mai buni fumători electrici
- 1. Fumător electric digital Master2002 MB20073519
- 2. Bradley BTDS76P 990216 Fumător electric digital
- 3. Fumător electric Dyna-Glo DGU732SDE-D
- 4. Fumator electric analogic MB20070210 Masterbuilt
- 5. Char-Broil 17202004 Fumător electric digital de lux
- 6. Masterbuilt 20070910 Fumător digital electric
- 7. Bradley BTDS108P 990223 Digital 6 Rack Smoker
- 8. LANDMANN MCO 32954 Fumător electric Smoky Mountain
- 9. Cookshack SM009-2 Fumător electric
- 10. Old Smokey Electric Smoker
- Buying Guide: What Should I Look For When Buying An Electric Smoker?
- Types Of Electric Smokers
- How To Use An Electric Smoker
- Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
Nimic nu este la fel de ceresc ca mușcăturile de carne afumată delicioasă împreună cu familia și prietenii. Aroma și gustul îmbucurător al curcanului afumat, al coastelor de pui sau al fileurilor de pește vă oferă satisfacția finală. Fumătorii electrici sunt un mod inteligent de a-ți găti carnea. Acestea economisesc timp și energie și sunt opțiunea ideală dacă sunteți în căutarea unei unități de conectare și uitare. Am întocmit o listă cu primii 10 fumători electrici disponibili online. Citiți mai departe pentru a afla mai multe!
10 Cei mai buni fumători electrici
1. Fumător electric digital Master2002 MB20073519
Fumătorul electric electric Masterbuilt MB20073519 este o unitate unică, care vă oferă o experiență de gătit fără probleme. Puteți controla temperatura și timpul de gătit cu tehnologia sa Blue Smart. Setările inteligente permit fumatul mâncării dvs. la o textură crocantă și crocantă.
Unitatea are patru rafturi de fumat acoperite cu crom, un termometru încorporat pentru sondă de carne pentru a monitoriza temperatura și un control al temperaturii termostatului pentru a găti carnea uniform. Panoul de control digital încorporat vă permite să setați temperatura între 100 ° F-275 ° F. Acest fumător electric are un sistem lateral de încărcare a așchilor de lemn, astfel încât să puteți adăuga așchii de lemn fără a deschide ușa fumătorului sau a pierde căldura. Acest produs este ideal pentru iubitorii de mâncare și pasionații de grătar.
- Dimensiuni: 19,88 x 20,66 x 33,46 țoli
- Greutate: 61,7 lire sterline
- Suprafață de gătit: 730 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 800 W
- Bluetooth activat
- Sondă de carne încorporată
- Operare ușoară
- Spațios
- Usor de curatat
- Afișajul LED nu este vizibil sub soarele strălucitor.
2. Bradley BTDS76P 990216 Fumător electric digital
Fumatorul electric digital Bradley BTDS76P 990216 este fabricat din oțel epoxidic cu pulbere de calitate superioară și este conceput pentru a fuma carnea de gătit pentru întreaga familie. Acest fumător electric cu 4 rafturi poate fuma o varietate de alimente dintr-o dată. Dispune de control digital complet pentru a menține temperatura, timpul și fumul și poate oferi până la 8 ore de fum rece controlat. Interiorele din oțel inoxidabil nu ruginesc și sunt ușor de curățat.
Sistemul de difuzie a fumului asigură faptul că fumul continuă să curgă în timp ce eliberează fum murdar. Generatoarele de fum detașabile sunt ușor de întreținut și de curățat. Acest dispozitiv folosește tehnologia Clean Smoke pentru a oferi un gust de fum consistent și de înaltă calitate. Cele 12 soiuri de bischete pentru fumatul lemnului oferă un gust pur de fum. Această unitate are un bazin de apă pentru colectarea grăsimilor și a bischetelor pentru fumat lemn.
- Dimensiuni: 34,61 x 20,12 x 18,56 țoli
- Greutate: 60,7 lire sterline
- Suprafață de gătit: 511 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 500 W
- Include un fumător rece
- Usor de curatat
- Funcționează cu bischete din lemn
- Ușor de asamblat
- Nu este potrivit pentru climă rece
3. Fumător electric Dyna-Glo DGU732SDE-D
The Dyna-Glo DGU732SDE-D Electric Smoker lets you monitor the cooking time and temperature with just the click of a button. It uses the power of digital technology and integrated heating systems. The transparent opening of this electric smoker lets you track your food’s smoking process. The integrated meat thermometer helps you track the temperature of the food. The smoker turns off the temperature automatically once after the meat reaches the desired temperature. It is designed to bring out a classic smoky flavor of all kinds of meat, sausages, briskets, ribs, and veg combos.
This electric smoker has four chrome-plated steel cooking grates that are easy to clean. It also comes with a removable rib rack and sausage hooks. The bottom access drawer makes it easy to access wood chips or water without loss of smoke or heat. The smoker has a high-temperature door seal that helps minimize smoke and heat loss. The heavy-duty casters and rear handle make it easy to move around.
- Dimensions: 32.5 x 19.4 x 19 inches
- Weight: 60.5 pounds
- Cooking Surface Area: 732 sq. in.
- Temperature Control: Built-in
- Cooking Element Wattage: 1000 W
- Automatic shutoff
- Easy to use
- Easy to assemble
- Comes with a removable rib rack and sausage hooks
- Faulty internal thermostat
- Replacement parts not available easily
4. Fumator electric analogic MB20070210 Masterbuilt
Fumatorul electric analogic Master2002 MB20070210 vă oferă comoditatea și ușurința de a vă fuma mâncarea în aer liber. Are un indicator de temperatură încorporat care vă ajută să monitorizați temperatura alimentelor gătite. Cadranul analog facilitează controlul temperaturii alimentelor. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să conectați fumătorul și să setați comenzile analogice. Tava pentru grăsimi cu acces frontal colectează excrementele excesive de alimente și grăsimea de carne.
Acest fumător electric are trei rafturi pentru fumat acoperite cu crom care pot găzdui trei găini sau două curcani. Indicatorul de temperatură încorporat Tava glisantă pentru așchii de lemn permite eliminarea ușoară a cenușii, iar vasul de apă detașabil ajută la adăugarea de umiditate și aromă cărnii. Acest fumător are, de asemenea, un amortizor de aer reglabil, care ajută la controlul fumului.
- Dimensiuni: 20 x 21,69 x 40,15 țoli
- Greutate: 57 de lire sterline
- Suprafață de gătit: 354 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 1500 W
- Îndepărtarea cenușii fără mizerie
- Ușor de asamblat
- Ușor de folosit
- Durabil
- Vopseste bule
- Fumatul incoerent
5. Char-Broil 17202004 Fumător electric digital de lux
Fumatorul electric digital Char-Broil Deluxe este ideal pentru fumatul în aer liber și la grătar. Are patru rafturi de gătit reglabile și oferă o zonă mare pentru a găti o varietate de carne. Acest fumător electric are o sondă detașabilă și lavabilă, care avertizează utilizatorul odată ce carnea este gătită la temperatura prestabilită. De asemenea, are o caracteristică de încălzire care menține mâncarea caldă până când este gata să fie servită.
The premium insulated double-wall construction ensures to lock in smoke and heat and makes the entire operation more efficient as compared to other smokers. The full-size glass door allows you to see the food while it is being cooked. The device has an advanced control panel with a blue LED display. It comes with a high-capacity grease tray and remote control to help you adjust the temperature. The stainless steel locking latch seals the interiors. This smoker comes with an integrated handle and wheels, which make it portable. This smoker comes in a black variant, which does not have the remote control feature.
- Dimensions: 16.5 x 18.1 x 32.5 inches
- Weight: 50.2 pounds
- Cooking Surface Area: 725 sq. in.
- Temperature Control: Built-in
- Putere element de gătit: 750 W
- Portabil
- Termometru detașabil pentru alimente
- Vine cu o caracteristică de încălzire
- Telecomandă
- Construcție robustă
- Termostat defect și cablare internă
6. Masterbuilt 20070910 Fumător digital electric
Fumul de construcție Masterbuilt Acest fumător electric are un sistem de control al termostatului pentru a controla temperatura. Are comenzi digitale de temperatură și temporizator. Comanda digitală intuitivă cu buton vă permite să alegeți o temperatură între 100 ° F-275 ° F. Cronometrul de 24 de ore vine cu o funcție de oprire automată care oprește dispozitivul odată ce atinge temperatura dorită.
Aerisirea acestui fumător este situată în partea dreaptă sus și panoul de control în partea de sus. De asemenea, vine cu o fereastră laterală de încărcare a așchilor, astfel încât să puteți încărca așchii fără a deschide afumătorul. Tava de picurare detașabilă colectează grăsimea, iar clapeta de aer de sus asigură faptul că carnea rămâne suculentă și își păstrează aroma naturală.
- Dimensiuni: 20 x 17 x 33,5 țoli
- Greutate: 45,9 lire sterline
- Suprafață de gătit: 730 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 800 W
- Ușor de folosit
- Ușor de asamblat
- Durabil
- Voinic
- Nicio ușă transparentă pentru a monitoriza mâncarea
- Termostatul se poate defecta
7. Bradley BTDS108P 990223 Digital 6 Rack Smoker
The Bradley BTDS108P 990223 Digital 6 Rack Smoker is a hybrid between an electric and a pellet smoker. It features a patented automatic wood advance and burn method that ensures 8 hours of controlled clean smoke. This electric smoker has a highly polished stainless steel exterior that is easy to clean. The interiors are made of powder epoxy steel that can trap in the heat and withstand high smoking temperatures.
The smoker features rack supports that prevent the racks from tipping over when they are pulled out. The digital controls help you control the temperature, time, and smoke. It has nine flavors of hardwood to lend a distinct smoky flavor to your food. The ash-catcher makes cleaning hassle-free and quick.
- Dimensions: 17 x 14 x 39 inches
- Weight: 60.5 pounds
- Suprafață de gătit: 858 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 500 W
- Vine cu un cenușar
- Ușor de folosit
- Ușor de asamblat
- Curățare fără probleme
- Potrivit pentru gătit în aer liber
- Nu funcționează în climă rece
8. LANDMANN MCO 32954 Fumător electric Smoky Mountain
LANDMANN Electric Smoker este compact și ideal pentru spații mici. Are o tavă combinată 3-în-1 - pentru cutia pentru așchii de lemn, tigaie cu apă și tigaie pentru grăsimi. Cele trei grătare de oțel cromate sunt ușor de curățat. Ușa are un indicator de temperatură pentru a controla temperatura alimentelor gătite.
Ușa are un zăvor reglabil și o fereastră de vizionare pentru a urmări mâncarea gătită fără a o deschide. Camera de gătit este neizolată, iar ușa cu pereți dubli asigură blocarea fumului și căldurii. Acest fumător are un orificiu de amortizare. Mânerele laterale din fier forjat sunt rezistente și facilitează manevrabilitatea și portabilitatea ușoară. Fumatorul electric are picioare reglabile care oferă nivelare pe suprafețe denivelate.
- Dimensiuni: 26,7 x 16,6 x 13,2 inch
- Greutate: 33 de lire sterline
- Suprafață de gătit: 442 mp
- Controlul temperaturii: încorporat
- Putere element de gătit: 1500 W
- Ușor de folosit
- Portabil
- Ușor de asamblat
- Raport calitate-preț
- Este posibil ca ușa să nu se blocheze corect.
9. Cookshack SM009-2 Fumător electric
The Cook shack Electric Smoker Oven Model is a compact home smoker. The stainless steel double-walled construction and the Spin-Glas insulation help keep the internal temperatures consistent and the exterior cool to touch. It has three nickel-plated cooking grates that are easy to clean and dishwasher-safe.
This electric smoker comes with an aluminum drip pan, a manual, a cookbook, and 5 lbs of Cook shack hickory wood. The temperature dial is located on the top and helps you change the temperature between 140 °F and 250 °F. The four lockable casters make it easy to move around.
- Dimensions: 16 x 17.5 x 30.6 inches
- Weight: 75.8 pounds
- Cooking Surface Area: 588 sq. in.
- Temperature Control: Built-in
- Cooking Element Wattage: 500 W
- Durable
- Construcție robustă
- Ușor de folosit
- Usor de curatat
- Fără fereastră transparentă
10. Old Smokey Electric Smoker
Old Smokey Electric Smoker este un fumător în stilul gunoiului. Are un element de încălzire, iar deasupra este o tavă pentru așchii pentru a pune așchii de lemn. Nivelul inferior de gătit are grătar și tigaie, iar nivelul superior de gătit are grătar. Acest model unic cu un termostat de căldură care vă permite să experimentați diverse rețete și stiluri de gătit. Puteți fuma curcani, miei, cârnați, tartine de fructe de mare, briskets și carne de porc simultan.
Acest fumător electric are un vârf plat, care asigură că sucurile se scurg din nou pe carne. Blatul este etanșat bine în timpul gătitului pentru a păstra fumul și aroma mâncării și pentru a reduce timpul de gătit. Unitatea are mânere rezistente la căldură pe laterale, în timp ce grătarele au mânere care facilitează introducerea și scoaterea acestora.
- Dimensions: 15.5 x 15.5 x 29 inches
- Weight: 24 pounds
- Cooking Surface Area: 280 sq. in.
- Temperature Control: Built-in
- Cooking Element Wattage: 1250 W
- Ergonomic handles
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Affordable
- Poor insulation
- Poor temperature control
With the wide range of options available online, it can be overwhelming to decide on a smart and safe electric smoker. Mentioned below are a few points to keep in mind before buying an electric smoker.
Buying Guide: What Should I Look For When Buying An Electric Smoker?
- Internal Space
One of the first things to check is the internal space within which the meat is to be smoked. It refers to the total capacity of food that it can hold or the total cooking surface area. It should be wide and spacious to distribute the heat and reach all the layers equally. Most electric smokers come with a large cooking capacity of up to 4 racks. This feature caters to the food needs of multiple people at a single time.
- Heating Element
The heating element plays a major role in smoking your meat. It needs to have high heating efficiency and be easily replaceable, safe, and certified for outdoor use.
- Size And Portability
Electric smokers are available in different sizes – small, medium, and large. Decide on the size depending on the number of people or the amount of food cooked daily. Choose one that can smoke most food items. Go for a compact design that can be set up in corners and small spaces without taking up space. Also, check the electric smoker’s overall weight and if it is portable. Some electric smokers come with wheels for easy movement. Decide on a unit that is lightweight and portable to avoid damage while moving it around.
- Material
The material determines the durability and long-lasting performance of the electric smoker. Most of them are made of stainless steel and strong premium quality materials that can withstand high temperatures, ensure efficiency, and prevent deterioration with prolonged use.
- Weight
The weight of an electric smoker is an important factor to consider. Choose one that is lightweight and easy to assemble and set up at the desired site. It also gives you an idea of the reliability and sturdiness of the structure during operation.
- Temperature Range
Deciding on the temperature range can be challenging. Choose one that provides smoking at maximum temperature with complete control. Electric smokers are available between temperature ranges of 100 °F to 300 °F. Also, decide whether you want an electric smoker with digital or analog control.
- Remote Control
Electric smokers operated with a remote let you control smoking from a distance.
- Ease Of Maintenance
The smoking process can stain the interiors with grease and fluid drippings. Go for an electric smoker with removable and easy to clean racks.
There are many types of electric smokers, and each has different features and is designed for specific needs.
Types Of Electric Smokers
- Offset Electric Smokers: The offset electric smokers are also referred to as horizontal smokers. They cook the food gradually at low temperatures, bringing out the classic flavor of meat recipes. Offset electric smokers let the juices and smoke penetrate into the meat, making it crispy and moist with a smoky aroma. These smokers feature side-mounted fireboxes.
- Upright Drum: The upright drum smoker is an ingenious model that features steel drums. It includes inbuilt racks and hooks that latch on the sides, enabling you to smoke the meat on them. They maintain a steady temperature from beginning to the end of the cooking. These smokers are preferred for long cooking times.
- Pellet Smokers: Pellet smokers introduce super high technology features. They smoke without taking long hours over a hot oven. The high technology handles the smoking process automatically and seamlessly.
- Vertical Water: Smoking meat with a vertical water smoker is an innovative way to cook slowly in a natural way. The meat absorbs the smoke better when cooked for several hours. It is designed to accommodate water in the middle section to prevent overheating and grease spillage. The meat smokes on the upper section of this smoker, and there are vents to release the smoke and regulate the temperature.
An electric smoker is simple and easy to operate. It is a smart, savvy way to indulge in smoked meat to your heart’s content at home. Here is a step by step guide for using an electric smoker.
How To Use An Electric Smoker
- Clean And Oil The Electric Smoker: If it is the first time, clean and run the electric smoker to eliminate dust or odors. Apply cooking oil along the interiors and on the racks.
- Power On: Plug the power cord into a power outlet. Check for obstructions that might hinder the free flow of current.
- Add The Wood Chips To The Chip Tray: Pull out the tray from the electric smoker and fill it with wood chips of the hardwood variety you desire. Slide it back with the help of the handle. Operate it following the given instructions so that the wood chips are introduced to the internal heating element.
- Set The Heating Temperatures: Set the desired temperature on the digital LED control panel of the electric smoker. The temperature can be set based on the food to be smoked and the time duration.
- Place Water For Regulating The Temperature And Moistness: Collect water in a separate container and place it at the bottom. The water absorbs the excess steam and keeps the interiors and the meat moist and juicy. It balances the optimal temperature without heating up the smoker. Instead of water, you can also use lime juice, apple juice, or wine to add flavor and aroma to your meat.
- Smoke The Meat: Marinate and soak the meat pieces in chunks. Place the meat directly on the racks within the smoking chamber with tongs. Arrange it for even distribution of heat and smoke. Remember to wear thick barbecuing gloves to protect your hands from burns. Close the door and set the lock in place to trap the heat and smoke and prevent accidental opening. Smoke the meat for the specified length of time as per the directions in the product manual.
- Check: Check if the wood chips and water are sufficient. If not, switch off the electric smoker and refill it. Avoid over smoking the meat as it might burn and give an unpleasant taste and smell.
- Switch Off: Once the smoking is complete, switch off the power, unlock the door, and take the cooked meat out carefully using tongs and gloves. Keep it aside to cool for 15-20 minutes. Bite into a juicy piece.
Get yourself an electric smoker and stay away from the hard work of setting up a fire with wood and charcoal. Electric smokers are the best option to infuse flavor and a tantalizing smoky aroma into your weekends. Choose from our list of the 10 best electric smokers and take your cooking to a new level!
Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
How to stop the meat from burning in an electric smoker?
Ensure that the electric smoker is clean before inserting the meat for smoking. Apply sufficient cooking oil evenly on the racks before placing the meat on them. It is good to slow cook your meat gradually at low temperature to prevent it from drying and burning. Avoid placing it directly above the source of heat. Place sufficient water at the bottom to keep the interiors moist. You could also use an aluminum foil to wrap the meat pieces, depending on what you are cooking.
How to use the water pan present in the electric smoker?
You can add water, wine, lime juice, apple juice, and vinegar to the water pan for flavor. You can also use a combination of water and other fluids to keep the interiors and the meat moist. However, ensure that the water does not dry out. Keep adding water until it is 2 inches deep by sliding out the water pan with the handle. Slide the water pan back into the slot with gloves on to protect your hand from burns.
Are electric smokers durable?
Yes. Electric smokers are well-equipped and designed for long-lasting performance. They are made of high-quality materials that make them durable and efficient. Most of them come with protective covers and epoxy resin coatings and gaskets. They are crafted especially for outdoor use.
Is a pellet smoker better than an electric smoker?
Both pellet and electric smokers have their advantages. A pellet smoker provides a deep and rich smokey flavor to your meat. On the other hand, an electric smoker offers convenience with just the push of a button. You can also control it remotely. However, it needs to be placed near a power outlet. If you want to smoke your meat fast, an electric smoker is an ideal choice.
Should I buy a smoker or a grill?
Smokers and grills have different ways of cooking meat, including the space needed. If you are serving a large gathering in a limited time, an ideal choice would be a smoker. You can fit in more food for smoking as per your need.
Can electric smokers cook all kinds of meat?
Yes, you can cook most types of meat – chicken, turkey, pork, beef, sausage, salamis, seafood, and briskets. You can also smoke fatty and lean meat, ribs, shoulder, and other fleshy meat pieces in an electric smoker.
Is smoked meat bad for you?
No. When consumed in moderation, smoked foods are not harmful. The excess fat from the meat and the way it is cooked might lead to weight gain and make you prone to heart diseases.
Are electric smokers as good as charcoal?
With electric smokers, you can get rid of the intense charcoal burning smell. You have complete control over the smoking temperature and the cooking duration. It is done quickly in a safe and reliable way without charcoal sparks flying around. On the other hand, charcoal smokers can be challenging to operate during high winds.
Do electric smokers actually smoke?
Electric smokers have revolutionized cooking by introducing smoke to cook food. They generate smoke using wood and electricity. The combination of heat and smoke softens and cooks the meat at high temperatures. An electric smoker is an environment-friendly option and can be used outdoors.
Will rain hurt my electric smoker?
Electric smokers are well designed to withstand light rain. They come with protective covers, gaskets, and resins to keep the water out. Waterproof electric smokers protect the interiors from water seepage. However, it is a wise decision to keep electrical appliances away from rainwater.
Why is smoked meat bad for you?
Smoking of meat might expose you to the risks of carcinogenic hydrocarbons in your food. Regular consumption might boost cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It can also lead to obesity and take a toll on your digestive tract.
Is electric or propane better for smoking?
Electric smokers offer convenience, ease of use, and better control over the operation and temperature. However, they are less versatile than propane gas options, which makes them perfect for cold smoking.